
Are you prepared for something odd? :-)

One year ago, I was experiencing a series of insights and cognitions, gradually increasing in both density and intensity. This experience eventually reached its culmination in the early morning hours of May 23rd, 2005. After the shooting of the “party scene” for “Jenseits”, I spent an inspiring night in the company of two dear friends. It was so overwhelming that I noticed how my mental capacities became positively exhausted. I made a remark about how useful the ability to expand one’s mental capacities might be. I really had no idea… yet.

Upon returning home, I suddenly felt compelled by my inner voice to sit down on my bed and to simply “let things happen”. The majestic wave appeared without warning: profound and relentless it came crashing down right over me, yet it caused no damage – washing away time and space. Although it was dark, I noticed a light around me. Although it was cold, I felt warmth on my skin. With closed eyes I could perceive the previously unknown, an experience for which there are no words. My whole body was trembling with awe. The doors of perception were opened, and I found myself wide awake for the first time.

It was literally a wake-up call: the first of its kind, followed by many others right up to the present, which I heeded but partially. Fear, doubt and confusion delayed my progress for almost a year. Now the year draws to a close, and I notice an increasing density and intensity of insights once again. And what now? – I have already made my experiences about how not to heed the call, about how not to follow the path. And I have seen glimpses about what happens if I do. A glimpse is not enough; it is nothing to be merely talked about either.

Ooops, I did it again. Enough words now! :-)

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