These three I highly recommend: curiosity, wonder and awe. :-)
I believe that Slow Science and new ways of carefully crafted, coordinated collaboration across institutional, cultural and national boundaries can and will transform both science and society in most beneficial ways. I am currently trying to build bridges between physics and contemplative science, and to begin implementing a vision for a trans-disciplinary, post-scarcity, mindful, collaborative science-and-society ecosystem. I invite you to take a look at my Contemplative Scientific Collaboration project and the Mindful Researchers initiative. Be welcome to join us – let’s collaborate!
Here are some of my research interests – partially related to physics and my recent academic life (at CERN, University of Innsbruck, Graz University of Technology, etc.), partially related to consciousness, mind-body, and interdisciplinary connections. I tend to approach most of these fields with a combined stance of agnosticism, skepticism and the trinity from above: curiosity, wonder and awe.
I am currently most interested in Physics, General Semantics, and the vast interdisciplinary realms of Contemplative Science (including Neurophenomenology) in theory-and-practice. For my evolving views on cognition/mind, experience/life, and even science itself, I draw much inspiration from enactivism and the enactive approach as formulated by Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, Eleanor Rosch and others.
On the side of group-level practical implementation, communication, and decision-making, I place my chips on “Systemic Konsensing” (in German: “Systemisches Konsensieren”), Council, Dialogue, and Nonviolent Communication – to be integrated with “inner work”, Peter Koenig’s “source principles“, and all of the above wherever possible and meaningful. My experiences (including intense community-building) with Leap Forward and other communities have in- and transformed my life and work.
(The following list is not prioritized. A multi-dimensional connected-graph tag cloud would help, and of course it would also be an oversimplification. :-))
- Physics & Mathematics <3
- Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Radiation Physics
- Computational Physics, Computer Simulations
- Data Analysis, Neural Networks, Machine Learning
- Statistical Physics
- Relativity Theory, Quantum Physics
- Astrophysics, Cosmology, Baryogenesis, Black Holes
- Astrobiology, Origin of Life, Autocatalysis, Autopioesis
- Constructor Theory
- (Radical) Constructivism
- (General) Systems Theory
- Cybernetics, Second-Order Cybernetics
- General Semantics
- Semiotics, Biosemiotics
- Anthropology-Biology-etc. (Gregory Bateson style)
- Patterns … and meta-patterns (a most wonderful meta-trans-discipline!)
- Memetics
- Phenomenology, Neurophenomenology, Microphenomenology
- First-, Second- and Third-Person Perspectives (in Science and Comtemplative Traditions, with particular emphasis on the second-person perspective which I deem rather fundamental and yet vastly under-explored!)
- Enaction, Enactivism, 4E cognition, 5E / 4EA cognition
- Embodied cognition, Situated cognition
- Embodied communication, Non-violent communication
- Contact Improvisation, Bodywork, 5 Rhythms, Dance Movement Therapy
- Sensorimotor theories of consciousness
- Process-oriented psychology
- Neuropsychoanalysis (particularly when connected to Bayesian prediction models and – yet to be explored? – contemplative science and practice)
- Internal Family Systems (IFS), Gestalt therapy, REBT, etc.
- Council, Bohm Dialogue, Dialogos
- Systemic Konsensing (in German: “Systemisches Konsensieren”)
- Organizational Development
- Cognitive science, Neuroscience
- Predictive processing, Bayesian approaches
- Integrated Information Theory
- Buddhist philosophy-and-practice
- Integral Theory, Spiral Dynamics
- Neutral Monism, Dual-Aspect Monism, Nonduality
- Decompositional Dual-Aspect Monism
- Philosophy of Science, Epistemology
- Process philosophy, Mathematical philosophy
- Metamodern Spirituality, Participatory Sensemaking
- Stories and Myths, Storytelling, Mythology
- Cognitive biases and fallacies
- Exceptional experiences, Mystical experiences
- Community-supported agriculture
- Permaculture, Organic gardening/farming
- Gift-based economy, Resource-based economy
- Education, Learning, Creativity
- …
And then there’s a whole lot more that I have on my radar, and even more that I have not yet considered (nor even encountered!), and all of it is interconnected, and sometimes different nodes and clusters light up on the screen …
What do you know of that I may like to consider adding?
Let’s explore together!
Hi Wolfgang,
Good seeing you at ASSC 19 in Paris 2015. I like your list of interests and would offer the following additional topics in their own right:
Mathematical Platonism
The work of Kurt Friedrich Gödel and Alan Turing on mathematical independence (e.g. see the book “Gödel Escher Bach”)
Cellular automaton (such as that of von Neumann and Conway)
Max Tegmark’s Mathematical Universe hypothesis (see the book “Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality”)
My own work on the theoretical base of consciousness which ultimately is an attempt to discover whether there is a class of mathematical objects that have the property of consciousness (see
Best wishes to you and your readers…