Ancient Mystic’s Wisdom

I currently don’t even find time for blog entries, when there is so much to write! But there is always enough time for the ancient wisdom of mystics – this one is attributed to Meister Eckhart (my translation):

A sage was once asked: “Which is the most important hour that one experiences, who is the most meaningful person one encounters, and what is the most necessary deed?”
The sage answered: “The most important hour is always the present, the most meaningful person is always the one you are facing, and the most necessary deed is always love.”

Forever Young

A week ago, my great uncle celebrated his 80th birthday. He still looks like 60 and lives almost like a 20-year-old. A rare phenomenon – and he even used to smoke like a chimney! Maybe his constant laughter and cheerfulness is what keeps him so young and healthy.

As for myself – turning 27 in eight days -, just today my age has been estimated as something between 30 and 40 years by some very young kids. I tried to shrug it off with a smile and put the blame on their not-yet-fully-developed discernment skills.

Sometimes I feel very old, and sometimes I feel very young. In the last two years the old-age-feeling dominated. Now it’s just about time for a rejuvenating cure! – Today I feel rather like some strange animal … let’s see how this develops.

A summary without focus

Here come the highlights from the last few days: On Sunday Hope and I visited my brother and his girlfriend in their lovely new flat. We spent a wonderful and very inspiring evening with drinks, dinner (cooked by my brother), games and long philosophical discussions.

On Monday evening I overcame a temptation and felt that life was good. Later I made some slices of bread for dinner – with focus and full attention (which was really quite difficult to maintain until the end). Mario, who once again knew it all, drew me an apple.

On Tuesday I tried to memorize one of Shakespeare’s love sonnets as a surprise for my girlfriend. During the evening I lost more and more of it, and was slightly frustrated when I went to bed. But when I woke up in the morning, everything was there again.

A simple phone call on Wednesday totally dispelled my inner peace, and I was mainly frustrated about letting minor things so intensely take hold of me. My stomach reacted likewise with irritation during the night. My discomposure was of course quite unnecessary.

On Thursday I listenend to an old man’s very interesting war- and post-war-experiences. I think that for us (the younger generations) their (the older people’s) perspectives can be quite valuable, especially when you see how some things change and others don’t.

Today I am wasting enormous amounts of time and energy in front of the computer, and occasionally try to focus – in vain. It feels as though this week is passing far too quickly!

So what’s the point?

While contemplating and reflecting on yesterday’s long entry, some things have become apparent to me:

  1. my thoughts are quite unfocused, and
  2. my writing is slightly complicated, with the result that
  3. the point is probably difficult to see.

Being unfocused and/or confused (almost an anagram!) is one of my characteristics. Everything is interesting, grabs my attention, holds a part of my mind on a leash, and I find it difficult to let go. I am not even consciously aware of most of these influences! And thus my mind is governed by things related to the past, things related to the future, things not related to the present moment. No wonder that my chain of thoughts, conceived in the present, appears to be slightly chaotic and difficult to follow. No wonder that when I concentrate the few free resources of my mind on a task, my multitasking abilities approach zero, and still I am far away from really focusing.

The few times in which I managed to become consciously aware of those “leashes” and actually releasing or cutting them were truly outstanding experiences. I am not accustomed to handle the full potential of my mind, to think with direction, to speak and write with precision. These goals will require my constant practice and training. But even the very experience of such awareness is worthwhile: enhanced perception, oneness with the present moment, oneness with the world around me, and the freedom of choice.

Maybe your question still remains unanswered: “What’s the point?”

Very simple: exchange of experiences, sharing of thoughts, mutual feedback, constant evaluation, and steady improvement. Information wants to be free. Communication is one key. Encountering a new (sometimes very simple) perspective on something that seemed already “known” to me would sometimes grant me insights that sweep me off my feet. Now, after all that I have received, I also wish to give.

Dearest reader, I do not claim the ability to sweep you off your feet, and certainly would never intend to do so against your will. But if my writings contain something that helps you on your own path in the slightest possible way, they have already fulfilled their purpose.

However, our communication shall not remain one-sided: I must also learn to improve my listening capabilities. Listening is a multi-faceted key of communication, and it is worthwhile to discover all aspects. For beginners like me, listening is a lot easier while remaining silent. Therefore I will shut up now and end with a beautiful quote that is attributed to Albert Einstein:

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.
It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.”

First Thoughts …

A couple of days ago, when the idea of creating some kind of web diary started to ripen in my ever-occupied mind, I had the most vivid imaginations and brilliant visions: inspiring it would be, challenging, fascinating, an exciting and enriching experience for both the writer (me) and the reader (you). Dozens of pages took shape within my fantasies, unburdened by the task at hand itself, and I could hardly wait to transform this vast complex of thoughts into written words.

Now as I am writing, however, a quite familiar kind of confusion takes control. Only a few keystrokes ahead lies the connection between creation (my part) and perception (your part) which will encourage wonderful things: sharing of thoughts, mutual feedback, and further development. The invisible obstacle that overshadows this moment is simply … fear. Fear of failure, encouraged by self-doubt, rooted deeply within my self. But – lo! – not invisible any longer.

Less than 24 hours ago I was speaking with Hope, one of my dearest friends. As always we were having an inspiring conversation with many insights and discoveries about ourselves, love, life, and the universe. And somehow, as I was explaining my perceptions and theories to him (related to considerations about self-doubts, skillfulness and more), I became aware of the familiar proverbial mirror in front of me. In a context which I cannot remember in detail any longer, I suddenly visualised the process of self-doubt attaching itself to my own intentions, where it created a very simple (yet powerful) deadlock. A process which is constantly taking place within me.

Seeing this deadlock right from the perspective of self-analysis was a very intense and demanding experience. It felt as though this very self-doubt, now unveiled before my watchful eyes, would try to fight desperately for its own survival. If it managed to attach itself to the watcher and thus corrupt his faith, it would probably retain its shadowy cloak and prevail. Thus I focused hard on it, not letting go, and at the same time I tried to listen to Hope’s words which gave me an indirect clue of how to handle this weird situation.
(Dear Hope, maybe you were unaware of the great value and impact which your words had on me at this moment, but I can assure you that you are just naturally gifted with wisdom!)

The previous year has changed and shaped my perspective on literally everything, and I have realized the necessity of many changes from more than just one point of view. However, all these approaches have one thing in common: even though they are theoretically sufficient for the desired changes, I practically allow my self-doubts (and/or its companion, the fear of failure) to destroy their potential. And the longer this cycle repeats, the more I contribute to my own suffering …

So the question arises: how can I release myself from these self-made chains? With the usurper (self-doubt) being unmasked, one more crucial step is required. Quite literally! It is a very simple step forward. Followed by another. And ultimately, one by one, a unison of theory and practice, mind and body will lead to constant improvement and growing skillfulness. – Trivial? Indeed, and wonderful too! All those months, already knowing about the existence and severe effects of my fears, I have not yet understood the simple but effective remedy. Knowing and understanding are two quite different aspects.

Having written more than enough (task fulfilled!), it is now time for some more steps.

My heartfelt thanks go to Hope as well as my beloved angel Natalie, my friends Mario and Dani, and many others. Actually no one shall be excluded, for the world would not be the same if any of you were not here: family, friends, mankind, animals, nature, all living beings, mother earth, the entire physical universe, thought, spirit, and beyond …

… quod erat demonstrandum. :-)

Thank you for reading, and have a good night!